Dear Ladies,
Things have calmed down after last Saturday’s excitement and the scores on Tuesday brought most of us back down to earth! The wind was awful- well that’s my excuse any way! Unfortunately May Creely slipped at the third and ended up in hospital. She’s home again but won’t be golfing for a wee while. We send her our best wishes. Grizel is well on the mend and is in good spirits – we hope to see her out and about again soon.
Some ladies have been complaining about slow golfers on the course. Could this be you?! It is important to keep up a good pace throughout your game - always start exactly on time - this is one of the rules of golf. Keep up with the group in front without pressurising them - you shouldn’t loose a hole - especially a par 4 or 5. Consider your pre shot routine -it can speed things up and when play of a hole is completed; you should leave the putting green quickly. One person should tee off while the others mark their cards. According to Match and Handicap a three ball should complete 18 holes in approximately 3hours 30minutes. Keep all the gossip and scandal for your après golf visit to Bunker 43!
We have made a start on our Buddy scheme. Fiona has dates confirmed with our Get into Golf Ladies – thank you to those who volunteered to help. We have also trying to match up some of the ladies who have joined in the last couple of years with our more experienced members - we would like everyone to have a “go to” person for advice and encouragement. It’s a great opportunity to learn the tricks of the trade, improve your enjoyment of golf at whatever level, and truly feel a part of Lurgan Golf Club Ladies’ Branch. Thank you also to those who have agreed to help with this group.
There are several dates for your diary - Lady President Eileen McCann is hosting her big day on Tuesday 11 August - for newer members, this is a smaller scale version of Lady Captain’s Day. Fingers crossed for good weather. Please don’t forget our Open Waltz on Monday 17th- kindly sponsored by Lough Neagh Garden Company. If you haven’t been able to field a team please let me know and I will sort you out. Our winter putting league will start on September 1st - details to follow ie when we know what we are doing! We hope to have a bit of a bash on Tuesday 29th September. This is our main prize night when all the silverware is handed out to lots of golfers, except me! Obviously plans will depend on NI Executive guidelines at the time, but let’s be positive and aim for a good night.
Best wishes to Mr Captain Eugene Maguire who is hosting his Captain’s Day this week end - I hope that he enjoys it as much as I enjoyed mine!
Happy Golfing
Lady Captain Julie