Dear Ladies,
I didn’t have to go to Mullingar last week after all! All three prize winning teams in our Open Waltz were members of Lurgan and, as it turned out, they had all played later in the day when it wasn’t just so wet. Despite the weather, the ladies from Temple Golf Club had a great time and thanked everyone at Lurgan for making them feel so welcome.
Tuesday evening marked the final night for Zoe’s 2020 Get into Golf ladies. Thank you to Fiona for organising the Buddy scheme and also to all those members who have volunteered to help. The evening involved a putting competition and also a foray on to the course where they played three holes. Most ladies headed up to the restaurant afterwards and there was a great buzz about the clubhouse - social distancing being adhered to. Several of the ladies have taken advantage of the membership offer that will take them through to the New Year - I hope that they will enjoy their golf. I think that the nineteenth hole is going to be kept very busy - Stephen will have to increase the gin order - this new bunch look like a lively lot!
Lady President Eileen and I had planned to start our winter putting league in September. However we have decided to postpone this until the nine hole winter league begins. We would rather concentrate on playing with our more novice golfers until then. The only way to learn the (very many) rules of golf and the course etiquette, is to play with experienced golfers. As far as I know, none of the lady members at Lurgan bite, so please do put your name on the timesheet with people who you may not already know. We have all experienced, and remember, the air shots, the drives that only go about two metres and the absolute dread of landing in bunkers. It was only with the help of more senior golfers, that we were able to improve and attempt to navigate our way around the golf course with some degree of skill.
Talking of skill, Henry and I watched some of the action at the Irish Boys’ under 16 championship last week at Lurgan. They hit the ball a country mile and dead straight. Perhaps we should have taken up golf when we were a bit younger!
Today was lovely -sunshine, blue skies and some heat - It was all very odd! I was in the garden all morning, dumping soggy sweet peas and rotting roses. My vegetable seeds, planted with such hope during lockdown are a disaster. Caterpillars have devoured the broccoli, aphids have enjoyed the broad beans and even the cat has decided to eat the tomatoes. The carrots are the size of pencils and the aubergines are obviously suited to sunnier locations. However there were lady birds everywhere and the swallows in the potting shed have had a few additions to their family. The squirrels continue to plague me. I might ask Santa for a trap!
Best Wishes to Grainne who is leaving this week. She has worked in the Office for many years and we will all miss her. We wish her well for her next adventure.
Happy Golfing
Lady Captain Julie