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Lady Captain Julie's Update

Writer's picture: Lurgan GCLurgan GC

Dear Ladies,

Bunker 43 is open for business! I have spoken with Colleen who, as always, is very willing to accommodate our lady members. Those popping in for a quick bite of lunch can have scones, homemade soup or whatever takes their fancy. Anyone wanting the devil’s buttermilk will have to order something more substantial - there is a new menu for the Tuesday ladies. Please support our caterers who will be open all day on Tuesdays - it will be our only opportunity to catch up with old friends and also meet some new faces, for the next while.

We are delighted with Zoe’s new band of ladies who have signed up to the Get into Golf scheme- they seem a really keen bunch and there appear to be a few “naturals” amongst them. In August we hope to organise something for those who have joined over the last couple of years but, because of Covid 19, have missed out on the opportunity to meet existing members. We want everyone to feel welcome and confident to put their names down to play with others who they have not yet, come across.

Dates for your diaries will include Lady Captain’s Day on Saturday 25th July. Anne Knox has put a notice in the Ladies’ Locker Room today and ladies should sign up in three balls. Please do so before Sunday 19th July to enable Anne to enter everyone on the computer – you will receive your start time by email. The prize giving will be at 6.30 pm- probably outside and the numbers will depend on what we are allowed at the time. Currently it looks as if only Prize winners and some committee members may attend, which is very disappointing. Prize winners will be contacted as soon as Match and Handicap have the results finalised - probably 5ish - so if you have had a good score, be ready to jump into the car (or ask someone to pick up your prize for you). I have 3 plans for the prize giving depending on the weather!! Plan A - everyone will be basking in glorious sunshine on the putting green, wearing floaty clothes and sun glasses (no Louboutins allowed- only flat shoes or furry slippers). Plan B is most likely – rain - and will be in and around the small marquee - in which case golf wet gear and umbrellas will be the order of the day. Plan C is Abandonment - stay at home, light the fire and prizes will be delivered to winners somehow!!! Don’t you just love our N’orn Irish summers?!!

Lady President’s Day will be on Tuesday 11th August and is run the same way as our usual Tuesday competitions. In normal times the prize giving would follow indoors that same evening. Our August Open on Monday 17th August is a great opportunity to invite your golfing friends to play at Lurgan. The format will be a waltz, for teams of three players. Please let me know if you are having trouble fielding a team, and I will help sort you out. It is a good source of revenue for the club so please do enter and also invite others along – the prizes are lovely! Please remember that Ladies branch also receive the entry fees from the Open Competitions on Sundays - please support those too if possible.

I’m sure that many of you are looking gorgeous after a trip to the hairdressers! Lucky you! I still look like an owl looking out of an ivy bush (a Sheenaism!), and am likely to look that way for a while!

Happy Golfing

Lady Captain Julie

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