Dear Ladies,
It’s like winter now but our hardy ladies turn out each Tuesday to do battle against the wee white ball. It’s lovely to put faces to the names of some of our newer members - you are all so keen - I do hope that we will have an opportunity for some sort of a party this year! Lady Captain’s Day, on July 25th will be very different to previous years - we will not be able to have an evening reception, and the prize giving looks as if it will be outdoors so let’s hope for good weather! I think that I will be humming about my favourite things for the next few weeks!!! Eileen McCann will be holding her Lady President’s Day on Tuesday August 11 - details will follow and will depend on the current health and safety guidelines at the time.
Apologies to Fiona Cummins and Christine Hagan! I try not to shout on the golf course but I haven’t had a two since 2008 so I was overcome with excitement on the 12th hole. I was playing with Lady President, Eileen and our newest lady member, Barbara McKee. Regular prize winners should take notice - this new kid on the block is going to be good! An ex hockey player, Barbara hits every shot dead straight and you would think that she had been playing golf for year s- please make sure that you welcome her to our club and put your names down to play with her.
Fiona has been in touch regarding Zoe’s new batch of Get into Golf ladies. We need some of you to volunteer to help on just one evening later this summer. Currently we have 17 new ladies and only 4 volunteers. Our membership is decreasing so it’s important that we look after these ladies, and make them feel welcome. We hope that they will want to join our merry band! Please phone Fiona 07856 939344
It’s hard to believe that Peter Hanna has been Club Professional at Lurgan Golf Club for 10 years! Congratulations to Peter and Lynne and thank you for all the support that you have given to Ladies’ Branch so far! I will be buying the prizes for our August Open (Monday 17th August) from their shop and I am very grateful to John McCartan form Lough Neagh Garden Company for their sponsorship. As usual the format will be a waltz - Anne Knox will explain the format for newer members nearer the time
Thank you to all those who contacted me over the weekend to let me know that Julie Andrews was celebrating her 79th birthday! What a shame that I will not be Lady Captain next year - it would have been some party!!!
Happy Golfing
Lady Captain Julie
PS The apostrophe situation is really annoying me - something eats them between Aghagallon and the Golf Club!